We just wanna say thanks to all the users who got us into the top spot of daily picks yesterday. It's so cool to see Failing Upward received so warmly on NG. We're currently working on getting episode 2 over and will let you know when that happens!
Posted by WaeBakStudios - October 13th, 2023
We just wanna say thanks to all the users who got us into the top spot of daily picks yesterday. It's so cool to see Failing Upward received so warmly on NG. We're currently working on getting episode 2 over and will let you know when that happens!
Posted by WaeBakStudios - October 9th, 2023
Hey everyone, last Friday, we posted our "pilot" comic of sorts for Failing Upward! It's called 86'd and details how Cody and JC met! Check it out here!
Posted by WaeBakStudios - September 14th, 2023
Hey guys,
We're WaeBakStudios, the indie group responsible for the slice of life series, Failing Upward, along with other in development projects. We're in the process of bringing our episodes over to Newgrounds soon. In the mean time, feel free to check out the preview for our next Failing Upward episode, "OK Nightmare"!